Summer Flash Sale! Get The Equestrian Confidence Tackbox for just $37 $27!

(that's less than the cost of one riding lesson!)

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Discover 7 Essential Horsemanship Skillsets

to Feel Safe, Confident & In Control

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A library of actionable exercises to quickly improve your horsemanship skills to connect more deeply, overcome fear, and become a better rider & handler,

so you can build confidence that will spill into all areas of your life!

Flash Sale End In...

"Just one week and I feel like I have a new horse. Thank you so much !!

I cannot even describe how I'm feeling."

-H. Queen-

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Maybe you can relate?

I have been horse-crazy all my life and ridden since I was a little kid, but after having my kids as a young adult my confidence changed.

Then after turning 50 it changed again.‍

I still loved working with my horses but everything that was so easy with horses when I was young, was not so easy later in life.

I got rattled at little things, knowing I couldn't afford to get hurt... I could write a book on alllll the things I would think of that could go wrong.

Something had to change. And giving up my horses was not & never will be an option for me.

So I have spent the last 20 years studying... coaching others, learning from some of the best equestrians in the world & developing mental tools and exercises to help me feel safe, secure, confident, and most of all connected to my horses.

And what I have learned will help you if you are a long time rider needing some fresh ideas or just getting started...

A day doesn't pass that I don't use at least one of these tools & exercises!

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going to the barn to ride or work with your horse & having the ability to step up in the saddle & ride, or do liberty, or whatever you want to try knowing you can handle whatever comes your way

having the mental tools to flip the switch from anxiety to confidence in 3 minutes or less

helping your horse to relax on cue

teaching your horse to be more confident & trust you

feeling more balanced, and have better timing & feel just by doing a few simple exercises

having a pre-ride checklist to follow each time before you mount to be sure your horse is connected, willing and ready for the safest rides possible

Stop Overthinking & Erase The 'What If' Questions That Run

Through Your Mind As You Go To Work With Your Horse...

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"What if I can't shake this fear after my injury?"

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"What if I can't handle my horse?"

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"What if I get hurt?"

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"What if people think I am not good enough & judge why I even ride?"

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Proudly Introducing...

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A library of actionable exercises to quickly improve your horsemanship skills to connect more deeply, overcome fear, become a better rider & handler, so you can build confidence (deep trust in yourself!) that will spill into all areas of your life!

You will...

Understand 7 actionable areas of horsemanship with specific tools & exercises in each area to build your confidence AND also your horse's confidence, that will give you results right away

Learn 3 easy exercises you can use today to increase your confidence & decrease your fears in 3 minutes or less

Have a plan for what to work on each day (no more wondering what you need to be working on the make true progress & connection with your horse)

Uncover you limiting beliefs & pinpoint areas that are holding you back

The Equestrian Confidence Tack Box is a minimum $297 value- heck, I have seen courses with less than half of this kind of actionable information priced at over $497, but to introduce you to the programs at we are offering it today for only $97 $37 $27!

That is less than the cost of one riding lesson!

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Want to know more?

Here's what we will cover over 15 modules...

divided into bite-sized sections

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It's hard to measure growth if you don't record where you are starting, so we will kick our training off with a quick assessment, so you can see how much your confidence meaning trust in yourself grows throughout the course.

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In this module, I will give you a quick introduction to confidence, what it means & why it means everything to your horse plus a bird's eye view of what we will cover coming up so you can absorb all the information with ease.

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In module 3, we dive into the science of how learning to stay in the parasympathetic nervous system can help your horse to know that the safest happiest place on earth is to be with you (thank you, Charlotte Cannon!).

PLUS we will learn the power of presence (showing up as your best self), these 2 topics alone can change your results with your horse almost immediately.

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Have you ever wondered why a little child can have such great results training a horse or an animal?

They don't know any "techniques" or "how tos". The just believe in themselves & thier horse. In this module we will explore this how much what you accomplish has as much to do with "being" as it does "doing".

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In Module 5 we will give you 3 powerful mindset hacks to create the habit of confidence on a daily basis, and give you the tools to support you when you need a shot of trust in yourself.

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So far, we have worked on ourselves as the human part of the equation, in this module we turn our eyes to the horse & take action in an exercise to teach your horse to relax on cue to trigger them to be in a frame of mind to connect & learn.

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Helping to build your horse's balance has so many benefits for the long run. In this module we will explore some exercise to get you started.

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Have you ever carried a little child piggyback & they were leaning from one side to the other? How you had to work to stay up? Imagine how your horse feels! It's not hard to build your balance and here are some little exercises to help!

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In module 9, we will cover the all-elusive rider feel, timing & rhythm, so you will be able to know by feel when to cue to better communicate with your horse.

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It's hard to feel confident when your are feeling stiff & weak. Module 10 gives you so ideas for adding extra intention in your everyday chores to build extra strength & flexibility.

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Awareness, intention, connection & presence are the glue that creates the magic in your partnership, but how do we make them actionable? In this module, you will see how.

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After going through module 13 you will know how to go through a proven routine to be sure your horse is connected, willing and ready for a safe wonderful ride.

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We are almost to the finish line! Module 14 covers important topics such as teaching your horse to go slow and how to teach the relax cue under saddle so you can feel confident, connected and in control while riding.

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In module 15 we go back to where we started and re-assess your confidence score! Now you are ready to go & put what you have learned to practice!

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"I was able to confidently sign up for beginner riding lessons today and am super excited! I also am on my way to work with my pony and have envisioned a perfect work session with her where I groom with intention and presence and then I am envisioning taking her into the arena and walking with her confidently."

-Kimberly J.-

Oh my gosh where are my manners!

If we haven't met, I am Jenny Rohlen-Barker

You might know me as the co-creator of The Horse Training Channel, or the creator of The Equestrian Planner, or

But, if we have never met, I am a horse girl who believes horse lessons are life lessons.

I can't wait to teach you the tools I have learned that taken me from having so much anxiety I could hardly leave the driveway to go to the show...

to being able to enjoy my horses at a whole new level both at home & in the show pen.

And to be honest, it's transformed my entire life.

I am going to teach you a step-by-step blueprint I have taught to horse women all over the world, to help you believe & trust in yourself so you can have greater joy & fun in your horsemanship that will spill into all areas of life.

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Let's Get Started.

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The Horse Training Journal Bonus

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