Limited time special offer! Pay What You Can Pricing Is Back!

"Transform Your Relationship with Your Horse in 13 Weeks:

Join the Extraordinary Horsemanship Journey"

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"The Extraordinary Horsemanship Journey" is designed to give you a path to follow, support, accountability & a chance to earn a custom buckle...just by working with your horse consistently in as little as 20 minutes at a time!

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Pay what you can, Create An Amazing Partnership & Go For A Buckle!

There is no better day than today to get started!

Here’s a taste of what’s possible…in just a few minutes a day

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"I have learned sooo much about myself, my journey in life and my partnership and journey with my horses(s) this challenge has calmed my inner spirit and helped me to focus and be successful as a horsewoman! Thanks! HorseGirl Power!!!!" C.K.

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"I am slowly getting my confidence back having the challenge is really pushing me to step up and push myself a bit harder." A.T.

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"I started out with the idea of doing something in the winter downtime with my horses and am coming away with a much richer quality of life because of the time and effort I put into my horses..." MK

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Free bonus "Extraordinary Horsemanship" & "Purpose-Full Practice Lessons"!

improve your horsemanship skills

connect more deeply to your horse

challenge yourself to take action

chip away at resistance in your horse (and yourself)

kick fear to the curb

create unshakable confidence

"Get ready to amaze yourself at how much better you feel and what you can accomplish with your horse over the next 13-weeks"

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regretting another year passing without making progress towards your goals

wondering what you need to work on to make progress

feeling you are alone

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Make time for what you love, improve your horsemanship, & health

& connect to the heart of your horse

Slow and steady consistency is the secret sauce...

starting with as little as 20 minutes a day!

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Here's how it works...

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The Extraordinary Horsemanship Journey is much more than just a challenge, here's what you need to know...

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Here's why you don't want to miss it! There is power in accountability, community, & consistency to inspire you to keep going + you will have ideas & a program to follow anytime you feel stuck.

What is it? Well, this is something brand new!

"The Extraordinary Horsemanship Challenge" is a guided 13-week horsemanship journey.

With a path to follow & new lesson every Monday, this program in a nutshell inspires you to practice & perfect your fundamentals of horsemanship & a happy, healthy horsegirl lifestyle.

In other words- you will make tiny incremental steps to living a life you love + feeling your best.

With personalized feedback and community support, you'll gain the confidence to unleash your equestrian potential, take action and become the horsewoman you've always wanted to be.

When: Sign up anytime, your 90 Day Challenge will start the following Monday.

How it works:

After you sign up, you will receive a welcome email with a link to the "Journey Homepage" with all the details, tracking sheets & extras.

Your 13 Week Journey officially starts the Monday after sign up.

Meet up live every Monday for our weekly check-in!

We are all on our own journeys, focusing on the same outcome= progress & consistency in our horsemanship & health.

At the end of your 13-Week Journey you will log into the challenge home page to submit your completion form to receive your ribbon and qualify for the buckle! (please see below for more info)

Cost: We are all at different places in life, with horses to feed and bills to pay (me too!) but this is Journey is to important not to start now... reguardless of your circumstances.

For a limited time $47 $37 Flash Sale Price -pay what you can- starting at $1 (value over $297)!

Pro Tip: what we pay for, we pay attention to, invest in yourself what you can, but treat this like you just paid $10,000 and SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF

What counts towards prizes: Any horse session that is a minimum of 20 minutes counts towards your challenge goal, this includes but not limited too:

What counts as Horse Time?





Just “being” with your horse connecting

Any kind of horsemanship activity that includes your horse…it all counts!


The biggest prizes are the priceless prizes of improving your horsemanship, creating and deepening your partnership with your horse and working toward your horse goals, and being ready to roll right into summer riding or year end events if you show!

How do you win the buckle?!

Anyone who achieves the required number of points in the 13-Week period will be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE, a gorgeous buckle from Molly's Custom Silver

(will be ordered at the end of the challenge so it can be customized, 4-8 weeks for delivery)

We will award one buckle free per month via drawing

Also, anyone who achieves the required points can also purchase the special buckle themselves at cost.

Support, Accountability & Community:

Let's do this together!

We have a private Facebook group of the most encouraging women you will ever meet where you can feel safe to post your wins, your progress, pictures, videos, challenges, questions.

Check-in on Mondays to get a little motivation boost!

This is for you, if you show at the highest levels, ride the trails, want to feel safe & connected at home, or even if groundwork is your cup of tea!

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Here's what you get...

A Guided Horse Training Plan To Follow (use this or follow your own)

A Heathly Heaping of Accountability

A Community of (over 2500) Cheerleaders Who Believe In You (priceless)

Quick Wins + Positive Progress (priceless)

A Chance to Win A Champion Buckle

An incredible dose of the motivation

to get you into action

to do not only what you want to do...


deep down in your soul what you NEED to do for yourself.

(the magic of this is how life starts to transform in all areas- as you get consistent in your horsemanship, #1 you get better with your skills & connection, but watch as your stress decreases, you WANT to eat healthier, you have more time, more patience, you have more PEACE) (also priceless)

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But that's not all! You also receive instant access to these special bonuses...

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The Horse Girl Super Productivity Mini Workshop

3 Simple Systems to guide you to ge more stuff done in less time & get to the barn doing what you love.

($47 value)

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Extraordinary Horsemanship & Purpose-Full Practice Lessons

Create a safe, willing, trusted extraordinary partnership even if you have never trained a horse before & have no idea where to start OR have trained horses your whole life & love learning new ideas!

($147 value)

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21 Day Conditioning Plan for Building A Fit, Willing Horse

A simple 21-day training plan designed for the out of shape horse that has a good start under saddle. The plan focuses on gradually developing balance, trust and suppleness through walking, trotting, cantering and groundwork exercises.

($17 value)

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Additional Printable Horse Training Progress Trackers, Barn Guides & More AND Weekly Health and Fitness Tips & Tricks!

"Extraordinary Horsemanship™" Signature Frameworks for you to printout and keep in front to help keep you focused and on track.

($47 value)

What horse girls just like you are saying in the challenge...

"Building trust , moving hind quarters and shoulders from the ground. I am so happy to tell you that we went for a beautiful ride this morning and crossed the creek we had trouble with a few weeks ago!"

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"Rode both horses today. I can see so much progress"

Because of grooming for connection, I have only missed one day in our 90 challenge! ...We worked one day on a spa day with clipping, trimming up her mane and a bath. We worked another day on taking paste! When I got her over a year ago, she didn’t allow clippers or oral paste but with the connection and building trust that Jen recommends, I’m able to Do both! Amazing!

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"I am slowly getting my confidence back having the challenge is really pushing me to step up and push myself a bit harder."

"These past few weeks have been very enlightening. Connection and calmness have been my main goals. Each day has been different but I now see Dudley changing. It is because I am listening to him and we are connecting. Thank you, Jenny!"

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"This is how AWESOME this group is. Thank you for the motivation and Jen Rohlen thank you so much for the horse journal. Because of the ability to keep track and tabs on where I am at with each horse I got the BESTEST COMPLIMENT.

Farrier was out and literally asked me whose been working with the horses, Lol he was totally amazed. Did my heart great to hear him say how relaxed and easy going the 3 of them were."

"My biggest takeaway is that everything I do with my horses builds the bond a bit stronger. Even if it’s just giving a few scratches and kind words while feeding or in the paddock."

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I know, I hear you, you are busy,

but if not now, when?

There will never be a more perfect time than today- to follow your dreams.

(remember it only takes 20 minutes a day/5 days a week to qualify for the buckle)

As a challenger you can grab our exclusive

"Extraordinary Horse Training Journal"...

This One of A Kind Simple Guide Maximizes, Transforms & Tracks

Your Sessions with Your Horse Like Nothing You Have Ever Tried!

(flip through the pages below... hint: on mobile swipe your finger to turn the pages)

Just click "add to order" at check out below to order

Meet your coach...

"It completely changed my relationship with my horse. He now prefers to be with me and engage rather than run around alone... I’m excited to see what the next one brings." Kimberly Y.

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Hey friend! I am Jenny!

I want to help you take your life by the reins.

I am a full time horse girl, 2 Time World Champion, the creator of, creator of The Equestrian Planner & co-creator of & The Cannon Method, I have had the honor of coaching equestrian women all over the world

... and you know what! I am just going to be bold and say it,
(if you were waiting for someone to say it)...

I give you permission to take time for yourself, dig deep & find your best self, do what you love, and get to the barn!

There isn't much you might be going through that I haven't been there.

I know what it's like to be busy. I know what is like to doubt myself. I know what it's like to have BIG goals and not know how to achieve them, I know what it's like to have a horse that doesn't fit inside the traditional horsemanship box. And I know what it's like to start back riding after a break.

I've discovered the combination of mindset, productivity & horsemanship principles that help you imperfectly/perfectly get stuff done that matters- and a whole new way of horsemanship that works for us gals of a certain age or have had our confidence rattled.

If you are committed to making this your year of finally keeping the promises you made to yourself to get out there & accomplish your horse goals & still find balance in your life...

I can't wait to support you in creating 90 days of breakthroughs, fresh starts AND great rides!

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Jenny Rohlen-Barker
Creator of The Equestrian Extraordinary Life Planner

Co-Creator of The

p.s. Have questions?! Great! Message us at [email protected] and we will get back to you just as soon as possible!

"You might be wondering, 'What's the catch?'

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It seems too good to be true, right? A product valued at over $297 for only what you want to pay. But rest assured, there's no catch.

In the fall of 2023 I lost my heart horse, Hippo.

This journey dedicated to him.

We never know how long we have.

I believe in this "Journey" to make lasting change so much that I want to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Who knows!? Maybe you'll become a loyal customer and maybe even spread the word.

So the only 'catch' is that I am investing in you upfront, betting on your success and satisfaction. Give it a try; you've got nothing to lose and so much to gain!"

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The Horse Training Journal Bonus

The Extraordinary Horsemanship Guided Horse Training Journal

Simplify and elevate your horsemanship journey with the "The Extraordinary Horsemanship Horse Training Journal"! Create a clear plan to optimize your horse's strong points, track progress effortlessly, and stay motivated. Upgrade your skills and master even the most challenging maneuvers with ease.

Limited time offer only $33. + S&H Order now and optimize your training sessions to achieve unprecedented progress!

Flip through the beautiful pages below (hint: on mobile use your finger to swipe & turn pages)

[[3300 | currency]] [[5800 | currency]]
Uplevel The Equestrian Confidence Tack Box Offer

Build Your Equestrian Confidence with "The Equestrian Confidence Tack Box Course"

Say goodbye to fear and self-doubt and hello to true confidence and trust in yourself!

With the right tools and techniques, you'll become a better rider and handler in no time, gaining the confidence to ride & handle your horse with grace and mastery. And with that confidence, you'll see the benefits spill over into other areas of your life as well!

For a limited time, add "The Equestrian Confidence Tack Box Course" to your "Strides 13 Week Horsemanship Journey" for a special challenge price of $17, only available on this page. The journey towards equestrian confidence starts here!

[[1700 | currency]] [[3700 | currency]]

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